Thursday, February 16, 2012

What a dreamer!

"You should hold onto your dreams; if you work hard enough for them, they will come true."
This picture represents the Younger family by never letting go of their dreams. Walter seemed to know how everything was going to work out, but I guess he got that wrong! His idea of owning a liquor store may have been successful, but on down the road, would he really make enough money to make a living in their time? Beneatha still has her dream of becoming a doctor and moving to Nigeria with Asagai, if she doesn't let go of that, then her dreams will be sure to come true, all you have to do is believe! Lena knows exactly how it feels to misplace your dreams and become lost in her thoughts. I feel that they have moved on from everything bad that has seemed to happen, and the Younger family will all live happily by their own choices and dreams. Who knows what will happen to the family. Mama will have the dream to live in their new house, and won't have to worry about so many of the old things that have passed. All you have to do is dream and work hard, you never know what you will receive!

dreams.jpg is where this photo came from. (:

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