Friday, February 17, 2012

"Most people don't try hard enough to see the other fellow's problems."
Life with the Younger's is very hard at times. Mama is having several problems of her own, and Walter doesn't care about anything his family wants to achieve. All Walter wants is to receive his dreams and move on with life, or so I thought. Walter turned sides at the end of the play, and caught me off guard. Walter needs to man up more, and take responsibility for his actions with his family. Sometimes, it's easier to face the problems than to let them go and they all come chasing after you in the end, and tare your life apart. If the Younger's were able to have just a little more money, I can see them all becoming very successful in their dreams, but while they are waiting for their dreams, you must face other problems that come your way. Talk to someone who is feeling down, or encourage them to do something again. You will not always be able to run from life's problems, and hope that one day your dreams come true. Fighting through problems often either helps or hurts your family, but in the end, talking your problems out with someone else can change the way you see that person. You better hurry though, time is ticking!

I received this picture from

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Get Ready!

" If you're going to be successful, you have to take some big risks."
Risks, risks, risks. Everyone has to go through some sort of risk sometime in their lives. The Younger's have taken several risks, including Lena letting Walter take the rest of the money that would have been for Beneatha and her schooling, possibly even a wedding? Mama took a risk when she went to make a down payment for their new house, but Mr. Lindner made them an offer. This picture represents the risks ahead for the Younger's, and what they tend to face during their moving experience, and with Walter becoming who he truly seems to be. Unlike Prometheus. I hope that the ideas and tasks that the family is about to make will be good to them.

This photo came from risks.jpg

What a dreamer!

"You should hold onto your dreams; if you work hard enough for them, they will come true."
This picture represents the Younger family by never letting go of their dreams. Walter seemed to know how everything was going to work out, but I guess he got that wrong! His idea of owning a liquor store may have been successful, but on down the road, would he really make enough money to make a living in their time? Beneatha still has her dream of becoming a doctor and moving to Nigeria with Asagai, if she doesn't let go of that, then her dreams will be sure to come true, all you have to do is believe! Lena knows exactly how it feels to misplace your dreams and become lost in her thoughts. I feel that they have moved on from everything bad that has seemed to happen, and the Younger family will all live happily by their own choices and dreams. Who knows what will happen to the family. Mama will have the dream to live in their new house, and won't have to worry about so many of the old things that have passed. All you have to do is dream and work hard, you never know what you will receive!

dreams.jpg is where this photo came from. (:

Happy St.Patrick's Day!!

I love this holiday! Yes I am Irish, but not as Irish as my friend Brittany! We love this holiday so much, we even made t-shirts for this last year. It has all kinds of Irish sayings and clovers!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I want this shirt!

This is one of the cutest shirts I've ever seen! I would love to have this shirt lol. Even have the colors flashing 24/7. This is beautiful! (: 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Music Note

This picture is really cool. I also think this would be a nice tattoo. Although I don't know if I'd ever get one, I would like to see this picture in a different color.