Monday, April 23, 2012

Favorite Character

Asagai, is my favorite character. He is one of Beneatha's fellow students. He seems to be completely in love with Beneatha. Asagai is also from Nigeria, so I feel that he provides and international perspective for the rest of the characters. He is also very proud of his African heritage. Asagai criticizes Beneatha, but only out of desire to help her full-filling her dreams with going to medical school. Beneatha thought of going to medical school after she witnessed a horrible sledding accident. Asagai seems to criticize just about every little detail about Beneatha, including her independent views of herself and that she does not have enough strength. Asagai just wants the best for Beneatha and is looking out for her.

Gamma Rays

My favorite play we have read this semester has been "The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon-Marigolds. This play is very good, it consisted of a dysfunctional family, which was a single mother named Beatrice and and her two daughters Tillie and Ruth. Beatrice isn't the ideal mother in this play. Ruth is considered as a brash yet confused child. As the play goes on, Beatrice tries to knock down any great opportunities that Tillie may receive, due to her own lack of success in her own life. Ruth is standing up to her mother, and when she finally does, she has a nervous breakdown and at the end of the play she kills Tillie's rabbit with chloroform.

Friday, February 17, 2012

"Most people don't try hard enough to see the other fellow's problems."
Life with the Younger's is very hard at times. Mama is having several problems of her own, and Walter doesn't care about anything his family wants to achieve. All Walter wants is to receive his dreams and move on with life, or so I thought. Walter turned sides at the end of the play, and caught me off guard. Walter needs to man up more, and take responsibility for his actions with his family. Sometimes, it's easier to face the problems than to let them go and they all come chasing after you in the end, and tare your life apart. If the Younger's were able to have just a little more money, I can see them all becoming very successful in their dreams, but while they are waiting for their dreams, you must face other problems that come your way. Talk to someone who is feeling down, or encourage them to do something again. You will not always be able to run from life's problems, and hope that one day your dreams come true. Fighting through problems often either helps or hurts your family, but in the end, talking your problems out with someone else can change the way you see that person. You better hurry though, time is ticking!

I received this picture from